New Rochelle residents to have say in traffic-relief plans
“Why did Mayor Bramson just realize this last year?”
Roads around New Rochelle High School and along Paine Avenue off North Avenue could get some traffic relief under a new city program.
The two areas have been chosen for the first round of improvements under Mayor Noam Bramson's traffic-calming program.
City Councilwoman Marianne Sussman, whose District 6 includes the high school, said the area is badly in need of help.
"It's a very challenging area because of the concentration of cars, particularly during school hours," Sussman said. With 3,300 students, New Rochelle's public high school is the largest in Westchester, and traffic problems have plagued the area, some said.
Under the program, neighborhoods nominate areas that need changes such as traffic humps, rotaries or other measures.
The finalists were chosen by RBA Group, the city consultants, from eight nominated areas. The consultants will now work with neighbors in the areas to determine what specific measures to take. The final plan must be approved by 85 percent of the residents affected. The city set aside $150,000 this year for the program.
"You want to be sure that residents, when confronted with these specifics, are fully supportive of the change before you proceed," Bramson said......
Full story: Journal News
Reporter: Ken Valenti at klvalent@lohud.com or 914-696-8255
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